
Nov 9, 2023: On ARC UK’s The Reality Show panel discussing Should Israel Occupy Gaza?

Nov 9, 2023: On ARC UK’s The Reality Show panel discussing The Inhumane Demands for a “Humanitarian Pause”

Nov 5, 2023: Beware The Barbarians Within Our Gates: In this talk I lay down some irrefutable facts about the Israel-Hamas war, and identify the enemies of Israel in the West and how to fight them.

Oct 26, 2023: On ARC UK’s The Reality Show panel discussing Jews for Palestine.

Oct 17, 2023: On ARC UK’s The Reality Show panel discussing Why Hamas Is Winning.

June 24, 2023: Discussing the book (2nd expanded edition) on The Secular Foxhole podcast

Sept 2, 2022: Discussing the book (2nd expanded edition) on the Michael Williams’ Capital Idea podcast

Aug 2, 2022: We Live In The Best of Media Times: I argue that allegations of fake news and media bias are nothing new, and that in fact we live in the best of media times. But as consumers, we have to be critical and discerning just as when consuming other products and services. Speech given to a Toastmasters group

June 29, 2022: A Rational Foreign Policy: Why 100 years of disastrous American foreign policy brought us the war in Ukraine, and thoughts on what a rational foreign policy would look like. Speech given to a Toastmasters group

Jan 8, 2021: Discussing the book (first edition) with Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute.

Dec 14, 2019: Discussing my native Sweden and separating state and the economy on The Devil’s Advocate with Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute.

Feb 13, 2019: Why Conservatives Are Defenseless against Ocasio-Cortez’s Lethal Moral Code; article in The Objective Standard

Sept 5, 2018: How ‘Democratic Socialism’ Wreaked Havoc On My Native Sweden; article in The Federalist

March 21, 2018: Why The ‘Father Of Fracking’ Probably Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize; article in The Federalist

Apr 18, 2014: Ukraine Shares the Blame for Russia’s Aggression; article in American Thinker

March 23, 2014: Living the Cool Life: Join the Peace Corps or Corporate America?; article in American Thinker

Feb 20, 2014: Freeing the Individual From the Conceits of the Collective; article in Real Clear Markets

Jun 3, 2013: “Hot seat” speech on lascivious behavior at Liberty Toastmasters.

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