What is the main reason for the shortcomings of the current healthcare system? Give a few examples from the book.

The main reason is too much, not too little, welfare statist, rights-violating regulations and other government involvement. Today’s health insurance, healthcare, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, and medical device marketplaces are littered with tax inequalities and regulatory barriers. These measures violate the individual rights of doctors, other healthcare workers, caregivers, health insurers, entrepreneurs, researchers, scientists, and, of course, patients.

Health insurance regulations most likely lock you into a health plan offered by your employer. This makes it impossible to price and quality shop for the best care around. And if you’re not fortunate enough to have employer-sponsored healthcare, regulations guaranteeing coverage for a host of health conditions that will never apply to you make long-lasting, catastrophic health insurance unaffordable and hard to find. And price regulations make competitive fee-for-service alternatives for routine checkups and minor health issues a rare commodity.

Nowhere are such problems more pronounced than for pre-existing conditions such as cancer and heart conditions. Regulations prevent health insurance companies from providing policies tailored to such conditions. This removes much of their incentive to engage with the healthcare community, with the pharmaceutical, diagnostics and medical device industries, and with charitable organizations to develop new tests and treatments, implement lifestyle and wellness plans, find cures, and provide coverage for those with limited financial means.


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