5. Capitalism: The Individualist Social System

  1. Why dominated collectivism in early human history? Answer
  2. In what respect did individualism exist side-by-side with collectivism? Answer
  3. Give some historical examples of how early collectivist societies experimented with different political organizations. In what respect did this represent progress and in what respect did it not? Answer
  4. Which philosopher put individualism and individual rights on the map? Answer
  5. What was the first, and to this day, only country founded on individualism and individual rights? Answer
  6. How does the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution champion individualism and individual rights? Answer
  7. What role does government play according to the original intent of the U.S. Constitution? Answer
  8. Give some examples of how collectivism was still present in the U.S. after the founding, and how it eventually developed into today’s welfare state. Answer
  9. Why is it important to understand the historical context when examining why capitalism is the only social system compatible with individualism and the protection of individual right? Answer


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