5.17 Statism Misallocates Infrastructure Investments, Capitalism Optimizes Them

  1. How do statist governments fund infrastructure projects? Answer
  2. Why do welfare statist politicians across the political spectrum have a soft heart for infrastructure projects? Answer
  3. Why is government infrastructure spending, whether in the name of “the public interest,” “the common good,” “benefitting the local community” or some other collectivist cliche, fundamentally a violation of individual rights? Answer
  4. Why does political involvement in infrastructure project lead to misallocation of resources? Answer
  5. To what extent is the government involved in infrastructure investments in a capitalist social system? Answer
  6. Describe how streets and roads may be financed under capitalism absent government involvement. Answer
  7. Describe how the electric grid, water and wastewater infrastructure is managed under capitalism absent government involvement. Answer


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