What does it mean, as humans, to strive to do more with less?

As human beings, we generally apply our capacity for invention and ingenuity to do more with less. Some are better at it than others, but it is in everyone’s interest to always get more bang for our buck and to use our time more productively and enjoyably. This applies to all areas of our lives, including our use of fossil fuels. We are constantly on the lookout for ideas that will help us squeeze more value out of every resource at our disposal, be it time or money: a new car with better gas mileage saving money on our daily commute, new windows with higher energy efficiency keeping our house warm or cool while reducing our monthly energy bill, a more efficient washing machine saving on electricity and extending the life of our clothes (many of which use carbon-based materials). Generally, we seek to extract more value from the material things around us in every area of our lives. We have one life to live, and we want to get the most out of our possessions and our time.


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