Explain why immigration is almost entirely open under capitalism.

Capitalism recognizes that individual rights extend to everyone. Rights don’t end at the Atlantic seaboard or the Pacific coastline. They apply no less south than north of the southern border. Whether you’re born in Bangalore or Beijing, Toronto or Tijuana, your individual rights are inseparable from your humanity. Your birthplace has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, immigration is almost entirely open under capitalism (a phased in transition to free immigration will be in place). The only people excluded are individuals with a criminal record (according to American law), people with a dangerous infectious disease, some or all people from a country posing an imminent threat to us, and some or all people from an area suffering a dangerous epidemic.

A capitalist social system acknowledges that you are in control of deciding where to pursue your happiness and that you have the individual rights to go wherever that pursuit takes you. Statism violates those rights by restricting immigration.


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