iii. Who Should Be In Control?

  1. What does it mean to have the right to be in control of your life? Answer
  2. Why is it important to not abandon your thinking or unquestioningly follow somebody else’s lead? Answer
  3. Other people have the right to be in control of their lives. How can that make you feel out of control in your life? Answer
  4. This is so important it should be provided for free or be subsidized or regulated,” and “there ought to be a law” are common reactions when feeling out of control in ones life. The implicit assumption is often that the government should step in. Why is this wrong? Answer
  5. If everybody has the right to be in control of their life, “to do their own thing” (while respecting that others have the same right), how do we get along? Answer
  6. What truly undermines our control? Answer
  7. In what sense is nobody in control of their life today? Answer


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