Continuing the example from the book, how may retired people who are collecting Social Security be persuaded to join the moral groundswell for retirement freedom?

Although government perpetuates the fantasy that Social Security actually invests people’s funds, in reality there is no true investment and no true assets backing the program. Hence, if you currently collect Social Security, you are de facto on welfare. The bluntness of the statement does not make it less true. You are at the mercy of the people who continue to pay into the system to fund your monthly handout. The only thing separating you from the person with the food stamps in front of you at the supermarket—and perhaps from a crushing blow to your self-esteem—is the government depositing your welfare check directly into your checking account, giving you a false sense of independence. If saddling your children and grandchildren with the cost of your retirement makes you feel morally uncomfortable you just added power to the moral groundswell. You may depend on the current “pay-as-you-go” system for the rest of your life. But you owe it to yourself to fight for reforming the system to give those coming after you the opportunity to be in control of their own savings in retirement, without being at the mercy of taxpayers and the heavy hand of government.


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