9. From Here to There: Education / Part II Summary

  1. Why is education, tragically, a sector especially damaged by welfare statist taxation, regulations, and subsidies? Answer
  2. Describe the vision outlined in the book for what basic education would look like in a capitalist social system? Answer
  3. What is the prerequisite for transitioning basic education from welfare statism to capitalism? Why is education perhaps the most challenging area to transition? Answer
  4. What examples of initiatives in basic education does the book give for transitioning from a welfare statist to a capitalist social system? Answer
  5. What role may charter schools play in the transition? Answer
  6. What importance may home schooling have as the transition gets under way? Answer

Part II Summary

  1. In summary what are the two main steps for transitioning from welfare statism to capitalism? Answer
  2. What are some sectors of the economy other than healthcare, retirement and education that will require transition plans? Answer
  3. Based on what you learned in previous chapters, suggest a transition plan for one of the other sectors of the economy.


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