As a rule of thumb, what type of candidate should you vote for?

A candidate whose platform includes initiatives that gives you more direct or indirect control of your life, initiatives that increase the respect for your individual rights and decrease undue government influence in your life. This includes but is not limited to:

  • repealing existing regulations
  • reducing or eliminating taxes (federal income and capital gains taxes, state income and sales taxes, local property and sales taxes, etc.)
  • reducing or eliminating government fees (occupational licensing, vehicle, building permit, and other fees)
  • reducing or eliminating government spending on entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
  • reducing or eliminating government debt (by paying back or not renewing bond issues and loans financing activities outside the proper functions of government, etc.)
  • reducing or eliminating tariffs and subsidies
  • reducing government ownership of land and buildings outside its proper functions.


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