Other people have the right to be in control of their lives. How can that make you feel out of control in your life?

Life is full of situations where the actions of others or outside forces can make your life feel out of control. Maybe your employer fires you, perhaps unfairly, or an employer hires someone over you despite your superior credentials. Or your employer pays you less than you deserve or requires you to work a lot of overtime while cutting others slack. Or a landlord hikes your rent, leaving you to move back in with Mom and Dad. Or the college you want to attend charges outrageous tuition—and turns you down for financial aid while approving a friend from a more affluent family. Or preschool charges so much you end up working an extra job and feeling guilty for not spending enough time with your child. Or health insurance premiums increase so much you forgo it. Or a dip in the stock market erodes your savings and postpones your retirement.


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