The Morally Right to Wrong Spectrum

© 2022 Anders Ingemarson; from “Think Right or Wrong, Not Left or Right: A 21st Century Citizen Guide (2nd expanded edition)

This table illustrates the morally right to wrong spectrum, with individualism, respect for individual rights, limited government and a capitalist social system being morally right, and collectivism, violations of individual rights, unlimited government and statist social systems being morally wrong.

The morally right is absolute, while the morally wrong comes on a spectrum from bad to evil as represented by the shaded arrow and the shift from light to dark red.

Notice that both leftism and conservatism occupy the morally wrong space as both are proponents of individual rights violating welfare statism. Here’s the statism box in the morally wrong column with examples of expressions of leftism and conservatism from less to more bad:

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