7. From Here to There: Health Insurance and Healthcare

  1. What is the main reason for the shortcomings of the current healthcare system? Give a few examples from the book. Answer
  2. Explain how health insurance provides a flourishing safety net in a capitalist social system that respects and protects your individual right to be in control of your life. Answer
  3. Why is a capitalist healthcare market especially important if you were born with or have developed a preexisting condition, or if you have otherwise financially fallen on hard times? Answer
  4. Why is a capitalist safety net especially important for those who are unable to care for themselves? Answer
  5. Explain why charitable efforts and benevolence flourish in a capitalist social system. Answer
  6. Why will the transition from welfare statism to capitalism in healthcare necessarily take time? Answer
  7. What is the main challenge with transitioning from welfare statism to capitalism in healthcare? Answer


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