4.3 Welfare Statism: Collectivism/Statism “Light”

  1. What are welfare statism’s main characteristics? Give some examples of welfare statist countries. Answer
  2. What is a welfare statist “safety net”? Answer
  3. Give some examples of welfare statist programs in the United States. Answer
  4. How do welfare statist programs such as Social Security and Medicare violate individual rights? Answer
  5. In what way do regulations violate individual rights? Give examples from federal, state and local governments. Answer
  6. Don’t welfare statist regulations prevent harm? Answer
  7. What do welfare statists of different political persuations agree upon? Answer
  8. Give some examples of how the traditional political right (conservatives) supports welfare statism. Answer
  9. Why is leftist a better name than liberal for people on the political left? Answer
  10. Illustrate where the different expressions of welfare statism fit in relation to other statist expressions on the morally Right to Wrong spectrum. Answer
  11. Why does conservatism cover a somewhat broader welfare statist spectrum than leftism? How is this represented in the diagram? Answer
  12. Give some examples for why the positioning of different leftist and conservative expressions is not static and why they overlap. Answer
  13. Illustrate where welfare statism fits on the morally Right to Wrong spectrum. Answer


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