Explain how health insurance provides a flourishing safety net in a capitalist social system that respects and protects your individual right to be in control of your life.

When you and your partner decide to bring a child into the world, providers line up to offer inexpensive pregnancy insurance to cover the rare but potentially financially ruinous possibility of a medically intensive pregnancy or your child being born with, or later developing, a rare disease.

Insurers also offer you and your family catastrophic accident and health insurance in the event misfortune strikes. And for routine care and minor health issues, you try to find the best doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers your money can buy. Perhaps you choose a monthly fee plan that covers the basics and that has guaranteed prices for non-catastrophic procedures and ER visits. Or perhaps you prefer to shop around each time you need to see a doctor.

As you approach old age, the catastrophic accident and health insurance that you signed up for early in life is still in place to address serious illness. And as you are in control of your retirement, your savings are large enough to provide the final safety net to cover additional healthcare needs as the sunset nears.


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