Why can not being able to get ahead in life breed fear, resentment and a quest for revenge? Why is it sometimes justified and sometimes not?

If it becomes ever harder to provide for yourself and your loved ones, you may slowly lose hope and gradually lose your sense of control over your life. The resentment and fear easily can turn to blame and a quest for revenge. The reasons may be justified, as with blaming Wall Street cronies in bed with politicians for enriching themselves at our expense, or seeing the inside-the-beltway political establishment as being impervious to our concerns. Or it may be unjustified, as with blaming the “one percent” with their vast wealth (which in most cases is amassed honestly); immigrants for “stealing” your job, threatening you with domestic terrorism, and consuming the social benefits you count on; or multinational corporations moving “American” jobs abroad, depriving you of career opportunities and a decent paycheck.


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