Explain why under capitalism voting is not of any consequence for children’s education?

Under capitalism, education is provided by the marketplace without government interference; you are in control of your children’s education, not at the mercy of your local school board or the state or federal Department of Education. Think education is too expensive? Only under the control of federal, state, and local governments and boards does education get ever more expensive even as quality falters. Under capitalism, education becomes cheaper, better, and more efficient (in this context, probably leading to less time in school), just like other products and services do where capitalism dominates. In a free, capitalist market, the Walmart of education springs up in your neighborhood and the online education equivalent of Amazon offers stiff competition to brick-and-mortar schools. The Khan Academy offers a glimpse of what that may look like. And with property taxes for education a thing of the past you control more of your own money. With education out of the hands of politicians, you and everybody else are politically equal, and your vote is of no consequence for your children’s education.


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