What is the prerequisite for transitioning basic education from welfare statism to capitalism? Why is education perhaps the most challenging area to transition?

Setting a moral groundswell in motion to lay the foundation for transitioning from the current welfare statist government (public) education model to a system where the individual rights of parents, educators, entrepreneurs, and investors are respected. Education is possibly the hardest nut to crack in this respect. As we commented earlier, for most Americans, government (public) education is as American as apple pie. Going back to the 19th century, education has been considered a “common good” to be provided for by society. But the “common good” is not a justification for violating individual rights. Many realize the shortcomings of government (public) education and have tried and are trying to reform the system, but few advocate abolition. Yet, abolition is what is needed for the morally Right to triumph and for your right to be fully in control of your child’s education to be respected.


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