5.15 Capitalism Reduces the Impact of Natural Disasters, Including Pandemics

  1. In what way does welfare statism promote short term thinking? How does it impact disaster preparedness, incl. preparing for pandemics? Answer
  2. Why does capitalism discourage short term thinking in disaster preparedness, incl. preparing for pandemics? Answer
  3. Why is long-range thinking critical for corporations, other organizations, and individuals under capitalism in preparing for natural disasters? Give some examples how pandemic preparedness would be handled. Answer
  4. How does health insurance companies and hospital organizations try to prevent pandemics under capitalism? Answer
  5. Give some examples of how natural disaster preparedness in other industries less impacted by welfare statism helped us during the COVID-19 pandemic. Answer
  6. Articulate the vision outlined in the book for how pandemics would become increasingly rare under capitalism, and how we saw glimpses of this during COVID-19. Answer
  7. What were the causes of the delays in the pandemic response? Answer
  8. In a capitalist social system, what is the role of government in a pandemic and with respect to pandemic preparedness? Answer
  9. How would a capitalist social system have averted the COVID-19 pandemic? Answer


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